Asprova Ver.15.0

The main additions and improvements in Ver.15.0 are as follows.

■ Ver.15.0 Function allowing project manager to manage the screens of each user

Until now, when multiple users used Asprova, each user could freely customize settings related to screens such as menus and window styles, but editing authority can now be restricted to the project manager. Now it is possible to choose whether to leave screen settings up to each user as before or delegate authority to the project manager in this regard. Delegating screen setting authority to the project manager allows the project manager to easily modify the screen settings of each user at installation and during operation.

[Project manager sets screen of each user]

[Each user can freely set screen on their own as usual]

Asprova Help
[GUI]-[Menu Bar]-[Custom Menu] – HelpNo.:719100
[GUI]-[Supplementary Information]-[Style Settings] – HelpNo.:743100

■ Ver.15.0 Multiple resource setup combination function

Whereas until now only one type of setup time could be registered when switching resources, it is now possible to register multiple types of setup time. For example, it is possible to separately register the time required for changing molds and the time required for changing workers, and set the total value or Max value of each as the setup time. Any number of resource switching types can be registered.

Sample data
A-2: Resource setup per instruction code
is available, please see here as well.

Asprova Help
[Logic]-[Production Moment – Production time – Setup time]-[Setup time] – HelpNo.:781000
[Samples Overview]-[A-2 : Resource setup per instruction code] – HelpNo.:906100