Ver.12.0.0 COM interfaces were added over 500.

28 classes were added including ASPShowWindow ASBPurchaseMaster, ASBManufacturingScheduleSummary, and ASBDailySalesPlan ASPScheduleSummaryGenerator. 318 properties were added including ASPShowWindow::WindowType, ASBOrder::Supplier, ASBProject::AutoGeneratedSalesOrderCodeExpr, ASBResource::ProdAndTeardownSuspendTimeMax, and ASBItem::PeggingConditionExpr. 12 methods were added including ASBOrder::GetSupplierByString, ASPDefaultSchedulingParameter::AddEvent, and ASBPurchaseMaster::UseInstructionCount. 163 enumerators were added including TAsprovaModuleType::kAsprovaModuleType_SCP, TOrderType::kOrderTypeForecastOrder, TPurchaseTimeConstraintMethod::kPurchaseTimeConstraintMethodES, and TItemLotSizingRoundQtyPeggingType::kItemLotSizingRoundQtyPeggingTypePeg

Ver.11.0.2 Windows 8.1 is now supported.

Windows 8.1 is now supported. For details on the latest operating environment, see here. Asprova Help   ->   -> [Operating Environment] – HelpNo.:2000

Ver.11.0.2 The registered names of expressions are shown in the cells making it easier to understand the settings.

For expression type properties, the cells in the properties window and table windows are now combo boxes. Further, the registered names of expressions are shown in the cells making it easier to understand the settings. Asprova’s expression function is very important in that it is used not only in general settings but also when conditions and constraints need to be set in detail. However, the learning curve for expressions was somewhat demanding. […]

Ver.11.0.2 Merged cell has many lines or it overflows from the screen, such as a result of scrolling, the value is now constantly displayed in the upper left of the cell.

Cells with the same value can be merged on the display. Even if a merged cell has many lines or it overflows from the screen, such as a result of scrolling, the value is now constantly displayed in the upper left of the cell. Previously, the value was not displayed, so you needed to switch to edit mode to see the value. AsprovaHelp   ->   -> [GUI]-[Supplementary information]-[Merging cells] – HelpNo.:743300

Ver.11.0.2 Master input instruction expression, Master use instruction expression, and Master output instruction expression were added to the Modify properties command.

Master input instruction expression, Master use instruction expression, and Master output instruction expression were added to the Modify properties command.  Since these can be used when you need to change the Integrated Master settings, the burden of master object maintenance can be alleviated. Asprova Help   ->   -> [Logic]-[Scheduling Logic]-[Scheduling parameters – Commands]-[Modify properties command] – HelpNo.:778300

Ver.11.0.2 You can scroll charts by dragging the mouse while holding down the wheel button.

You can scroll charts by dragging the mouse while holding down the wheel button. In addition, you can click the wheel button on a window tab to close the window. Asprova Help   ->   -> [GUI]-[Table Time Chart Windows]-[Shared Operations]-[Table time chart windows overview] – HelpNo.:666000 Asprova Help   ->   -> [GUI]-[Main Window] – HelpNo.:657000

Ver.11.0.2 When a chart is opened from the "Jump" menu, the unit time is automatically adjusted according to the lead time of the item to be displayed.

When a chart is opened from the "Jump" menu, the unit time is automatically adjusted according to the lead time of the item to be displayed. Further, even when there are many lines, the height of each row is automatically adjusted to the minimum value that allows the displayed characters to be seen. These features make charts opened from the Jump menu easy to view and control. Asprova Help   ->   -> […]

Ver.11.0.2 Default values are now applied to Time constraint method, Time constraint MIN, and Time constraint MAX of Master use instructions on the Integrated Master table.

Default values are now applied to Time constraint method, Time constraint MIN, and Time constraint MAX of Master use instructions on the Integrated Master table. Using default values reduces the burden of entering these values manually and the amount of import and export data.  Moreover, the beneficial effects of reducing the amount of memory use can be expected. For details on which setting are adopted when time constraints are set to multiple input […]

Ver.11.0.1 When received update notification from Asprova DS, it can be synchronized automatically.

By using Asprova MES or Asprova VIEW, when received update notification of aru file or table data from Asprova DS, it can be synchronized automatically. When you check the menu [Auto Synchronize], if there are latest aru file or table data which has not been downloaded yet, Asprova will get the latest version or download table data.  * This menu will be only shown in Asprova MES and Asprova VIEW. By using automated […]

Ver.11.0.1 Silent mode

In silent mode, dialog boxes and properties windows do not appear even when Asprova is started from the GUI. By using automated startup and data loading (acquiring the latest version from Asprova DS) in combination with the function for synchronizing with Asprova DS, Asprova MES startup, latest data acquisition, and latest result acquisition can be automated. This enables checking of Asprova MES schedules and progress from a PC at the shop floor […]